Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The 40s are here and I love it!

I am happy I am in my 40's. When I was in my 20's I looked at the 40 yr olds around me with a little bit of pity! I felt they had passed their prime and were so old! I now look at the 40 yr olds around me with understanding, and recognition. They are all in the same boat as I am. Most have teenage kids that think they are too old and ancient :) Most have suddenly found time! Rediscovered friendships, are snucking out for the night without guilt or a second look! Well I don't know about most, but I am! And I am loving it!

With time I have also found a passion in life! Hiking! I have found like minded friends that share my likes and beliefs! I have learnt not to be pressured by the demands of society! Society does not need to deem me like-able or a good host or cook or even a good parent! I am who I am and who I will be! Too late to change that!

I have rediscovered my joy for reading, and time to actually do it! I love my daily workout and am finally in a place where I am feeling good about my body! And what's more I actually like my family and my kids most of the time! Oh well that is a bit of a stretch :P  And today is a good day! Ask me on a bad day what you think and you will get the less than rosy version of this! But maybe the 40s are the new deal! I have been thinking about this a lot (can you tell I have time on my hands?) Here is why the 40s are the best

You have been accepted!
Your family has given up on you/ accepted you with your flaws! Lets face it, you are too old to change now! Resigned as they maybe (your dad doesn't even bat an eye when he finds out you are not a vegetarian any more!)

The children are grown!
Your kids are not clinging to you anymore, but haven't yet drifted far apart that you are lonely and bored! You look at others younger to you with the "been there done yet" attitude! But know enough to not get sucked into giving parenting advice! You know now that parenting is no fun ride and there is just no science to it! 

Go with the flow is the mantra!
You have faced enough of life, not to be fazed by small setbacks! And you have learnt to go with the flow as much as you can (at least for most of the time)! You know things change, and you know shit happens! But you also know that all's well that ends well!

Expectations are on the decline!
You have learnt to lower your expectations of people and situations. You know you can't please everyone or even be liked by everyone and you are ok with that! And you know it works the same in reverse! So be it! 

Last time I checked this is no reality TV or live competition!
In the same theme as above, you no longer feel the need to please, to step up or bend over backwards! Its no competition, I am fine coming in second or even the last on some things! I am who I am and that pleases me to no end!

Appreciate Life!
You have learnt to appreciate life's little blessings,  You know not to take things for granted and to enjoy every blessing and advantage you have. Menopause hasn't found you yet, your joints are still functioning (for the most part) and you have the enthusiasm for life! What more can you ask for?

You are comfortable in your skin! 
You know it is what it is and you have learnt to accept it! If it's hot, you will wear an ugly hat! If its cold, you will grab the first drab jacket you see! You will rock the Dr Scholls shoes that you like! You have learnt practical is a lot more fun than regret :)

So I think its that adjustment and hard found understanding of the reality that is to blame, but it is a great time of my life for sure! P.S. Full disclosure: The title is a bit of mis-representation. The 40s have been here for a bit now, but I have realised the full potential more recently! As we went off to Vegas to celebrate a friends 40th birthday earlier this summer, it hit me that I really love my life (anti-jinx) and need to thank God for blessings. So a short interruption of my travel diaries to finally complete this monologue that has been brewing in my head for months! I leave you here with a picture of the North Georgia mountains that I enjoy hiking! Lots of anti-jinx applied here!

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