Monday, November 30, 2009

Telling Cheeky

 We toyed with the idea of telling Cheeky after the 3 months had passed.. but we had to visit the doctor with Cheeky in tow.. and there was all the barfing he would end up watching! Either he would “ew” it or maybe just maybe worry (who am I kidding uh?) about why his mother was trying to throw her insides out every morning! Not to mention the fact that she was always found languishing on the couch! So we decided to tell him.. and went about it all wrong!

“Cheeky guess what we are going to have a baby join our family” we said

Silence.. more silence


“Oh No” he exclaims


“When ?” he says with such a pained look on his face I thought I was going to cry (well cry laugh, I seem to be swaying up and down all day.. so Cheeky can hardly be blamed)!

“It will be sometime in July 2010 Honey” say we!

“And that is going to be the worst day of my life in 2010” says he?

“Cheeky” we say in unison in absolute horror!

He explains “But Mommy I am too young to have a baby yet!”

Sigh! “Cheeky not you, mommy is going to have the baby, you are going to have a brother or a sister”

Then he sighed.. a huge sigh of relief! The funny guy “Then let it be a brother” he beamed!

“But God will decide hon” say we and before he loses the smile ask him “So what do you think we should name it?”

“If it is a boy – Jack” he says

“And if it is a girl?”

“Lets name her Shreya” says Dad

“Or Asin or Trisha or Priya Mani” chimes Cheeky belting out the names of all tamil heroines! My oh my.. at 5 if he does this I wonder what he would do at 25!!

If you expect a happily ever after, think again. We sat at the doctor’s office and the doctor was busy talking to Mama. Cheeky whispers to his Dad “So you going to marry mom again?”

Dad bewildered “No why?”

“Then how do you have that second kid now?”

“Shush Cheeky lets talk about it later ok” says a red faced Dad!

And later.. Mom was posed the same question, but she was now ready and armed “We ask God Sweety and he decides when to give us the next baby” we say!

“Remember how you prayed to God for a brother or sister last year?”!

“But then I told God not to bother and that I would like a pet instead” he says eyeing the tummy!

Dad quickly kills all hopes suspicions with a trip to and some 3d ultrasound images of the baby! For now Cheeky is quiet, but we know that brain is working and soon we will have to throw up our arms in despair! Whoever said it was easier the next time around?

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