Thursday, July 22, 2010

Introducing Tootsie the Chipmunk!

Not so long ago I talked about mid life crisis... apparently when crisis strikes you take action! And boy has my past year been eventful.. granted I have not been blogging quite as much, but I have a story I promise ya!
It all started not too long ago when I was trying to figure out the direction my life was going.. I was tired of just floating along being superfluous and drinking off the margarita cup all day while watching daytime soap operas and turning from a potato to a pumpkin! So I decided to introspect and discovered a mid life crisis!

Then I hit the gym, became a model and lived happily ever after... you wish! Oh yes I hit the gym and got back into my pre-Cheeky clothes (finally!!) and took a long vacation to recuperate from doing nothing :) Back home from my long holiday I took up creative writing as a career.. after all I spent so much time online might as well make it lucrative right? I found that the more creative I get, people did not want to pay me.. just wanted me to write for nothing. However if I wrote boring monlogues on things that I had no knowledge off, I was paid a decent sum! Go figure! So finally I bit the bullet and returned to my IT Career and was all set to become a career woman! But remember the guy up there who needs to have the last laugh! After years and years of contemplation and procrasination, I decided to take the plunge into motherhood part 2. So here I was fighting nausea and commuting to work on the local train!

But there is more, our itchy restless feet put on its act again and we did a coast to coast move in April.. About 6 months pregnant and working full time with a 5 yr old kid who has a wild independent streak, that was bound to be fun! Now I was a work at home mom and all I needed to complete the picture was a mini van. So we did that too.. bought a mini van that I could drive around to complete the mommy image! And Cheeky never fails to remind me that it is "Mommy like"

An accident with a knife, slitting open a thumb; a mini surgery on Cheeky and a grand tour of the mountains on my first drive around in the mini van (call for details... ) later I was ready to pop... 38 weeks preggers I stopped working and started fretting about getting prepared for the baby. Two days later Tootsie was born!
True to our image Cheeky the monkey is now followed by Tootsie the Chipmunk... The family like others say is complete with a boy and a girl.. but by no way regular .. so join us for our next round on the parenting roller coaster as we raise the Chipmunk and the Monkey in our role as zoo keepers :)
(pic courtesy:


Timepass said...

congratulations..u introduced the baby in true incessant musings style!!best wishes to the kids

K3 said...

OMG!!! I had no idea. Congrats Preethi. Will email you.

Sumana said...

Wonderful, Congratulations again. Glad to hear back from you. So the sleepless nights are back??

Manjula said...

Ahhh... Such a relief! :-) after a long time I got some reassurance as to I am not a SPECIMEN... ;-)(Especially after reading your 'mid-life crisis blog post) All this while ( and even as I type this) I am busy wondering whats so much wrong with me, I see the whole world is happy as to where it is, except me.. I am lost with a 2 year old cutie pie though am doing justice is to directing him well in life :-) All in all could closely relate to your blog posts. Your style of writing is very friendly :-)

Lavs said...

Congrats Preethi. Wish you good health! Take care of yourself so that you can care for your lil ones:)

Yet Another Mother Runner said...

wow!! Quite an update!! Congratulations!! Look forward to reading more on lil Tootsie and Cheeky and your adventures too :)

Fantasies of a Lifetime said...

welcome back zoo keeper :P . . .

Gomathi Sarma said...

Hearty Congratulations Darling and great job in giving birth to darling cutie pies..
Days will move on fast and sleepless nights will turn into wonderful days..

Btw: your blogging ishtayil is just the same.. Glad tootsie spared some time of her mommy:)

Take care and yea, I am waiting for the pics

U-t-h-r-a said...

Welcome to Tootsie....and U dear welcome back.....Waiting eagerly for more of your posts....on Cheeky & The Chipmunk tales

Aryan-Arjun said...

Wowo..congrats preethi..that is your writing style..the introduction of chipmunk is super duper....I really missed your posts and writing...
So happy to see u back to i can hear cheeky chipmunk combo...

rm said...

how can i convey how happy i am to read u again and hear all thegood news. Welcome to the next cycle and we are eager :-)

and ur style of writing has changed. now if i says its better then it may mean the old one was not so i say its changed and its still good :-)

Pavi!!!! said...

ohh! there is an introduction post! silly me missed it!

n its so "you-like"!

Unknown said...

Hey Congrats! :) was really happy to know!
Can't wait for the season 2 to unfold :)

Have fun! (and we will have fun too :D )

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