And this humor is profound! For example a trip to the store this weekend. The store for some reason was filled with Indians most dressed in Salwar Kameez. I was wondering if I had come to the wrong place - it was Costco for Heaven's sake! (I am sure it is this taking of God's name in vain that gets me in trouble.. what do you think?) And then there was this guy who loves India apparently, ignored all the swarming salwar kameezes and chose to ask me "Where are you from?". I sputter and claim "North Carolina" .. If I launch into where I am from that would take the better part of the day and I am sure I would have been dialing 911 to report an unconscious man! But the man was unwilling to let go... "Where are your parents from?" he asked.. and I knew I had lost it.. so we stood there being "talked at" about Mahabalipuram and Saravana Belagola a

Or the day we went to the auto show. What are the chances that I (a complete blubbering nincompoop when it comes to cars) was reaching for some literature on a drag racing car when I get asked by a driver (4 time champion in drag racing nonetheless) if I wanted his autograph! So Cheeky got an autographed picture addressed to him from a race car driver (kind of a role model for an aspiring nascar champion). But I got my chance to look like a complete fool .. I was just discovering the drag roadsters for heaven's sake! The guy knew discussing cars with me was moot.. I had the look that lets people know that I am lost in a clueless land.. so he proceeded to ask me "Where are you from?" .. I am sure he heard the "Not Again" shouts from my head!! He then told me about the dry cleaners friends he knew in Georgia who were "Of Indian Origin". I was ready to say "Not all Indians are related you know?" ... but it was time to grin and bear it, for what are the chances that a champion race car driver will talk to you about his dry cleaner friends who happened to share the same ethnic origin as you?!!
I remember the time my friend who was in the dance troupe of a once famous actress took me to a practice session. They were practicing for a national new year eve show t

There is more though.. Oh yes you thought I forgot? There is Cheeky of course who thinks the aim of his life is to rile up mommy and to keep her on her toes! Just as I completed the post on Cheeky changing his name and finally deciding to keep his original name for now, the little imp has decided to rename himself again! Now his name is Peter Cheeky! Oh yes he decided to change his surname for good measure! Of all the things, I have a son who insists on renaming himself! Contributing to the humor in my everyday life! And promising to keep making my life as interesting and eventful as he possibly can!

And this is the story of my everyday life... but there is more as you will see when I come to part 2 of this post "I dub thee Supandi" !
For now I put on the grin in the image and bury my face in the sand and pretend all is well with my fun filled life!! But if you put your ear to the ground.. you can hear me whispering (/whimpering?) "why me?".. and if you look up at the sky you can hear laughter!!
(img courtesy: http://laffoff.files.wordpress.com, http://carpefactum.typepad.com, http://i12.photobucket.com, http://www.anonymousspace.com)
Talking of humor here is one.. an expensive mistake by the federal government.

Duck stamps printed by the The Fish and Wildlife Service are required to hunt migratory fowl. But now if you call the number listed on the carrier card you will be greeted by "Intimate Connections" and enticed by a husky female voice to "talk only to the girls that turn you on".
What a blooper eh? Instead of listing 1-800-STAMP24, the number listed is 1-800-TRAMP24.
The mistake is too expensive to correct apparently! Wanna read more go to cnn.com
With that "fowl" note.. signing off!!
Coming Up:
- I dub thee Supandi
- Toon Mania - Getting to know the real me!
- Friendly Encounters!
For some wierd reason this reminds me of the bruce willis movie in which he is made god for a couple of days. . .If u do get that kind of a chance u do know that u gotto increase my bank balance to a zillion $ right?
As for the actresses , some ppl do really think the world revolves around them, they are gonna get a rude shock when they get to know it revolves around me :P
Oh! Hugs...can understand these "Why me?" situations..happens to me also..but i doubt i can put it down so well :))
I cannot wait to read the next part Hahaha..
awww...there, there, now isn't this why you have a blog...
and pls do pick up the BFF award from my space pls...
Hi Preethi,
You know very few people are the chosen ones.,. After all the court of God, requires his own jesters too ;) Isnt it a privilege ?? ;)
Nice article.,. Its appreciable that you have found the lighter side of things in life.,. Which ensures life s gonna be filled with SunShines :)
P.S: If you had been thinking that you are on the payroll of God as his court's jester, think again.,. You have a competition !! (My recent blog has that personality ) ;)
U are so funnnnny! i love ur ranting style!
all u lucky mommas- thnx to ur li'l ones...have so much going on in ur life n so much more to blog abt :D
hey I love the new look of your blog and as always love your writing/ranting style too. This one is hilarious!
Eh new look!! Wah!!!
absolutely loved and enjoyed reading it Preethi - have always been a fan of your writing style !
this was such a good read! really funny!
what would be do if god didnt particularly like tickling your funny bone!! :p
thanx for the laughs!!
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